MLK) file is created in the same directory and will remain there until the job is closed at which point it will be deleted. By default, they are stored in the root installation directory ( C:\CAM by default).VPL files can be included by selecting: File Setup Installed Machines and then by clicking the New button in the left of the two columns, selecting the Controller tab, and clicking Browse. The VPL files on any particular computer will vary depending on the setup at that particular site. VPL (Post Processor Library) This format is used for storing information about different types of controller available for use. CDP (CAD-DUCT) This is the file format used to save items created in CAD-DUCT.CDP files can be imported by selecting File Import CAD/JCM Items, and then choosing Open CAD Patterns (*.CDP) from the bottom pulldown box in that dialogue.
It should be noted that this format may not support all of the features now available, and is therefore only provided for backwards compatibility. Files of this type can opened using File Open Job. OUT (version 800) This is the format used in version 800 to save jobs. The standard location of the file will be C:/Cam/Projects and (in the above example) the file will be called Untitled2.JOT (or Unititled2.ESJ if it had been saved as an archived job). If you have been asked to send the file to Autodesk support, you can then attach it to an email or put it on a floppy.
MAJ (Job File) This is the default format for saving jobs. Some of the more commonly used ones are as follows:
There are a number of different file types in use.